Sorrow into Triumph
I think it’s our human nature to respond in a way that makes us seem better than we actually are; flashing a smile, jumping around, throwing thumbs up every chance we get. We are hard wired to seem like we have it all together, but seeming all together and okay and actually being okay are two different things. I’m not saying that any of those things are wrong. Be a happy person but if you’re constantly trying to prove you’re okay to others, that’s probably a good indicator that you aren’t.
Heartbreak is an ocean of ingredients longing for their carpenter to make a platform. In this statement, understand that the platform is built out of the broken pieces, not new pieces. This is true for you as well, for your platform is and will be built out of the very brokenness you think is crippling you. God is in the business of turning your pain of sorrow into a tool of triumph, but understand that the triumph and sorrow both use the same ingredients, they just come from different sources. Your sorrow comes from your disappointment in trying to build a monument to yourself out of your brokenness. Your triumph comes from God using your Brokenness to create a masterpiece out of His grace and mercy.
Don’t ignore your problems, for ignored problems aren’t solved, they’re just hidden. Hidden brokenness is even more dangerous, for dark things grow in the dark. Instead, Shine a light on your imperfections and fallacies. Embrace your pain. Allow God to mend the cracks of your heart. Don’t run away from your problems, but face them head on, for growing takes place in storms, not on vacation.