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Moving on. 

I sense that i’m slowly letting go. That i am growing less in love with you every single day. I think that’s the most difficult thing about losing someone you’ve loved.

—the way you feel never really dies all at once. 

All you can do is wait and watch it fade away one day at a time.

Perhaps maybe the two of us had become so good at leaving, once we had found something worth keeping.

Once someone has let you go emotionally, it’s over, no matter how tightly or desperately you commit to hang on.

-That sooner or later i will pull myself together and move on. That’s the killing blow. To know that someday, no matter how hard i fight for it, i will forget how it felt like to love you. 

Goodbyes take a great deal of courage, but what takes even more is the hello that comes next. 
