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What if

Let’s set the background first, your struggling through life, trying to get by financially, maybe your in an unhappy relationship or single looking for love but never successful. Maybe you have those inner demons that visit every so often - anxiety, depression, PTSD to name a few. Maybe you have lost your loved ones, your marriage has fallen apart, or maybe you’ve just hit rock bottom. 

What if someone came to you tomorrow and said they could take it all away - no consequences or no questions asked. Would you risk everything you have been through to be “happy”? 

Here’s the thing right, happiness is a feeling not a life, just like you feel sad when you hear someone you love is ill, or angry when someone hurts the one you love. That feeling is temporary. No one can take away your feelings, your not a robot. You can’t be programmed to be happy 24/7. 

What if I told you that the person who came and saw you tomorrow was actually yourself? 5 years, even a year down the track - would you listen to their words knowing you are in control of your own destiny? 

I truely believe that every emotion is there to be felt, it’s not going to be easy - especially those who have the demons but don’t let them win. Use the support around you for exactly that support, but at the end of the day - you are the only one who can make the next move. 
