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in Writing

Wise words said by a wise woman

When someone is broken, don’t try to fix them (you can’t). Show them instead, how the cracks in their armour let the light shine through. That’s how it gets in. When someone is grieving, don’t attempt to fill the hole in their heart (you can’t). Instead, remind them why the love they had for that person must live on within them. It is infinite. When someone is hurting, don’t try to heal their pain (you can’t). Remind them instead, how laughter, love and sunshine mend the spirit. The medicine we need is inside us already, dig for it. When someone is too sad for this busy, crazy life. Don’t try to turn their sadness around (you can’t). Just show up, sit with them and let...

Little reminder

Don’t let the small things drown you. Just keep doing you and know that the universe has put you on the right path, given you the challenges your facing or faced because you are strong enough to fight and push through.  Today may be a bad day, but it’s not a bad life. You may have a bad year or 10 years but it’s not permanent. Let the small things go and appreciate what you have now. Not what you can have in the future. Remember, Happiness is not a destination.

To the men who broke my heart

The thing about love is that it sets you up to have your heart broken, until you find the one who can piece all those pieces back together and keep them there.  I have only ever been in love twice, or so I thought, first with a boy who I grew up with. A boy who was always there for me through the bad times, the good times and well the 2am booty call times as well. I watched him grown up from a boy into a man and gave him my whole heart. Moved out with him, lied to my friends and family just to be with him. Long story short we were not good for eachother and had a very unhealthy relationship that I knew I had to get out of. After a few years it made me realise I wasn’t inlove with...

Nothing but the truth

Anyone who has experienced heartbreak knows it’s one of the worst feelings in the world, especially when you thought you had found the one.  For those of you who haven’t, consider yourself lucky - you may never have to and that’s truely a blessing, your guides are watching over you for that to happen. On the other hand, I’m sorry for those who are going to experience heartbreak but haven’t yet. It’s soul shattering.  The below words are something that really hit home in every way possible. It’s from the movie Someone great, a chick flick non the less but this scene itself is something truely eye opening. “Do you think I can have one more kiss? I’ll find closure on...

What if

Let’s set the background first, your struggling through life, trying to get by financially, maybe your in an unhappy relationship or single looking for love but never successful. Maybe you have those inner demons that visit every so often - anxiety, depression, PTSD to name a few. Maybe you have lost your loved ones, your marriage has fallen apart, or maybe you’ve just hit rock bottom.  What if someone came to you tomorrow and said they could take it all away - no consequences or no questions asked. Would you risk everything you have been through to be “happy”?  Here’s the thing right, happiness is a feeling not a life, just like you feel sad when you hear someone you love...