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Avengers: End Game

To those not familiar with the terminology, End Game is a stage in Chess near the end of the game when you begin to sacrifice main players to ultimately try win the game.

I wonder who's gonna die in the movie, apparently it's a main character?

Could be Captain America since they show himed looking at looking at a picture of Peggy- and we all know what happened the last time that happened (he died, well sort of) so this may be foreshadowing him sacrificing his life- which, no surprises happened the last time he saw Peggy's image on his compass.

It could even be Iron Man, what if they just kill him off at the start, however this is unlikely. But his death is possible as Steve does challenge him in Avengers saying "You're not the guy to make the sacrifice play" and so we may see Iron Man off by him giving the ultimate sacrifice: his life.

What are your guy's thoughts?
