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Avengers: End Game

To those not familiar with the terminology, End Game is a stage in Chess near the end of the game when you begin to sacrifice main players to ultimately try win the game. I wonder who's gonna die in the movie, apparently it's a main character? Could be Captain America since they show himed looking at looking at a picture of Peggy- and we all know what happened the last time that happened (he died, well sort of) so this may be foreshadowing him sacrificing his life- which, no surprises happened the last time he saw Peggy's image on his compass. It could even be Iron Man, what if they just kill him off at the start, however this is unlikely. But his death is possible as Steve does...

in Movies
My 5 Most Favorite Crime Movies (So Far)

My 5 Most Favorite Crime Movies (So Far)

Besides writing and reading, one of my most favorite activity is watching films. Crime movies hold a special place in my heart, especially if it is mixed with drama, action, or comedy. Without further ado, here’s my five most favorite movies in my 17 years of living! 1. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) This will sound very subjective because I LOVE Wes Anderson, but I do think the way he directs his movies is brilliant. I also like his storytelling style. The Grand Budapest Hotel is, in my opinion, one of his best work. It’s not heavy—you don’t have to think hard to get the film—and it’s not “cheap”. It’s captivating in its own way. Sure, its plot is not the best and...

in Movies
family & cool topics

family & cool topics

  How do you know if something's your favorite? Like, how do you know your favorite band is Twenty Øne Piløts or your favorite book is Eleanor & Park?   You just know, you know? (Ha) Like how Captain Fantastic has just become one of my favorite movies of all time. The moment the film ended and the credits started coming on, I just knew that it shoved itself into a special place in my heart and my favorite movies shelf in my imaginary and dream dorm room.   Because to be completely honest, Captain Fantasic is just quite simply, effin' fantastic.    CF is a 2016 American comedy-drama film written and directed by Matt Ross and starring Viggo Mortensen (Wikipedia, Ily),...

SOLO! Is it Worth Seeing!?!

SOLO! Is it Worth Seeing!?!

Hey Readers, for those who haven’t seen this film, don’t worry, no spoilers. I only just watched it just then. It was AMAZING! The graphics and CGI was professionally done. An expertly colour coordinated and fantastic storyline, it has it all! Focussing on Hansolo’s adventures, the audience is delved into a whole new world that is so worth watching! Thanks so much for reading. Don’t forget to follow and comment your opinions.

in Movies
sharks & goals

sharks & goals

  My ultimate dream ever is to travel the world. All 196 countries and other places too. Places that haven't been discovered, places that have been dubbed as historical and full of nature.    In fact, it's not even a dream anymore. It's a plan.   Don't get me wrong, it won't be easy. I still have a long way to go but that doesn't stop  me.    But then movies like The Shallows come in and I'm having second thoughts.   Just kidding. Sharks eating people won't stop me from accomplishing my dream. Heck no!   In fact, if the audience now see sharks as vicious and eat humans every chance they get because of this...

What I did.... TODAY

Woke up about a quarter past noon, but don’t worry I’m not ditching work LOL. I’m actually on holiday right now 😆. Sorry I can’t tell you where I’m on holiday because of personal safety and all that good stuff 🙃.  Anyways I spent my day on the back lawn of this place I’m renting in ••••••(😆) reading this really great book that I got at one of those little libraries. Y’know the ones where it’s just like a box setup in front of some houses or a public park? And it’s a take one leave one sort of deal? Anyways I better go now, they’re showing the original Halloween on tv in about twenty minutes so I better get ready 😆 see you guys tomorrow!