Nice Nov 10, 2018 Buzzfeed Fan 🙋 Okay, I'm one of those people who are guilty in binge watching Youtube videos. I really, really love buzzfeed videos like ladylike videos or the Perolike. I also love the Tasty videos, I mean food is life😊. I love watching videos which are just really, really funny in the most simplest forms of like playing "Truth or Dare" Jenga or watching their videos serious and meaningful videos about mental health awareness. Seeing our favorite staffs have their own segment is cool, shout -out to the fans of Kelsey 😊. I'm excited to see mpre content from all of their different segments. How about you, what's your favorite group or segment in Buzzfeed?
Nice Nov 10, 2018 in Books New Book: "Someday" Just started reading the new book by David Levithan. "Someday", is the much awaited sequel to "Everyday" of the same author, which by the way is made into a movie and I still have yet to watch 😂. Since I don't want to be a spoiler of a good book, all I have to say is it's all worth the wait, atleast for me that is. It still gives me the feeling of wanting to just cry out even if I'm in public. I love reading each pages slowly to digest each scene clearly. You will fall inlove more in the different characters. Hope to finish this book soon and hope by that time I have someone to talk here about it. 💕