dandandan Apr 20, 2018 in Sports Football welcomes Have any of you heard about this initiative set up by Amnesty International? It's in England and it's to help young refugees settle into the country and feel a part of something. It would be really cool if we did something like that here. There's about 60 different football teams involved now.
dandandan Apr 19, 2018 in History A Pizza History I do love pizza. Let it be said. I could eat it all day everyday. #pizzaforlyfe but I just learnt how my favourite dish came into existence.
dandandan Apr 19, 2018 in Cars Cars of the future Imagine a world where all our cars are fully automatic. Apparently that's actually going to be a thing. Imagine driving around in a whip like this: By 2050 all cars will be self-driving. Although after that incident in America with the self-driving Uber that killed a woman that seems crazy. This article I read on the BBC has a little more info on these so-called cars of the future.
dandandan Apr 16, 2018 in Football Stopping crime with football. I heard about this football team in London the other day. They're called Hackney Wick FC and they're basically getting kids off the streets and into football. I've read about so many deaths in London recently. There's been a big rise in knife crime and gang related violence. So what this team does is gives local kids the opportunity to do something with their lives. It was set up by a guy called Bobby Kasanga who is an ex-con himself. Got into lots of trouble in gangs and that when he was younger. Now he's helping the next generation. They have to commit to two hours a week as well as helping out in the community. It's inspirational. Read his story. It's amazing.
dandandan Apr 16, 2018 in Food Bring me this pizza! Man, this pizza looks so good. 😋 #bestofbothworlds