Dejan Jul 13, 2018 in Food FOOD #1 ❤️ Hello, it’s me again 😁 So as I said before, I’m gonna share many things related to Indonesia. And here it is, about my favorite thing, F-O-O-D! First, I’m sorry if the quality of the food is not really good in this picture. I made it by myself haha. Anyway, does anyone know what name of the food is? Well, for you who don’t know what it is, lemme tell ya. It’s called tempe. Tempe was made by a natural culturing and controlled fermentation process that binds soybeans into a cake form. It has many great nutritions for your body, aaannnddd, it’s really cheap people. You will always find it when you come to Indonesia (especially in Java), in the restaurants or even in...