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Texts from a Fake Girlfriend/Boyfriend

The topic is as crazy as it sounds. There’s an online service called InvisibleBoyfriend where you can receive texts from a customised boyfriend or girlfriend. I’ve first heard about it through a friend who used it to make his girlfriend jealous which turned into a very awkward breakup. I know because I was there. I’m the third wheeler.... Anyways, the sad truth was he got a bit carried away giving most of his attention to the fake girlfriend which I don’t blame him. His girlfriend was kind of a bitch with high expectations when she couldn’t meet her own. The texts he got from his fake girlfriend are sweet and thoughtful but my dear friend realised it’s wrong and eventually learnt to let go of both his feelings for the ex-girlfriend and attachment with the fake girlfriend. I find it quite hilarious yet it’s also very sad. So, knowing me, I got curious. 

First: Create Boyfriend/Girlfriend

You’ll need to give your fake boyfriend/girlfriend a name, enter your mobile number for text, choose its persona and interests, select times of text and it costs $19.99AUD/per month for 100 text messages. 

Second: No Strings Attached

Just remember, this is just for the fun. But however, the texts I’ve been getting from a romantic and diplomatic persona got my full attention to the point where I’ve spent so much money to receive texts from the fake boyfriend and have lost my mind to something that isn’t real. Quite rare to receive exuberant texts like this from actual partners or people of interest. If you are sensitively emotional, I highly suggest to NOT use this. 

Thirdly: Things you need to know

You are actually talking to a real person behind the text to make the experience more authentic. If you’re freaked out by this, you don’t have to do it.

InvisibleBoyfriend has its pros and cons. For pros, they respond to your texts and the messages are almost quite an excitement. The cons, it can become addicting and may become emotionally attached without being aware of it at all. It’s not free and some may not like the idea of talking to a real person who is acting as your girlfriend/boyfriend.
