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Love is all about give and take. You give the same amount what you took from your partner. For your relationship to be in a state of balance. 

But if we tend to give much more than what is needed - we then tend to expect much more from our partner, because if we were to tell the truth, if we give more we will receive more. 

But that is not exactly true, because not all partners have the capacity and passion as you in exerting efforts. 

We may deny the fact that we expect much more out from them, it does not change the fact that what we expect from them becomes the basis of how real and deep our love for each other is.

We should learn never to expect anything grand from them because if we do, we end up become tired of waiting what is to come out from what we were expecting, and if it does not come we then decide to stop the relationship for good. 

Love and relationship is not a competition where you expect a reward out of your efforts. Love is all about being the half to create the whole - where understanding and patience should be on the same level as with your partner. 

Expectations will break what we've build for years. 
