My Views On: Travel ✈️
I think that traveling would be really cool and an amazing thing to experience in my life.
I’ve always wanted to travel to Paris or Tokyo (I know typical cliche places) I’ve always found the idea of just getting on a plane or in a car and just going somewhere new would be really incredible and new.
When I was younger I dreamed of going to Paris and having a magical time there.
But as I’m grown more mature my thoughts on traveling have changed in more realistic ways.
I know that traveling can be a wonderful privilege to have but nowadays when I think of traveling the world I also think of all the dangers. Nobody really tells you about the dangers of traveling. Some people may think that traveling is completely safe and just a time to be reckless and free but this really just shows how naive people can be.
Yes Traveling is a time to have fun and explore but it’s also a time to be cautious. I am not trying to discourage anyone who finds joy in adventuring beyond the land they call home.
Safety is a great thing to always take into consideration when taking a step into the unknown.
Another thing that I think is important to always consider is showing respect. Showing respect to your surroundings and leaving a good impression is always a great thing to do.
I’ve seen many tourist come into my country and disrespect it and it really aggravates me, it’s like someone came into your home and tore it to pieces but still expected to be invited back without hesitation.
Being respectful towards the environment and towards the people is greatly appreciated and a show of decency.
For example if you were to meet someone on your trip and they gave you advice or simply had a friendly chat with you, it would a great to try and leave a nice impression and hopefully make that person feel happy to have you visit. :)
Hello this is just a little thing that I thought would be good to address. Safety, Respect, and Having fun, these are all good things to take into consideration when you next travel or plan to travel it really makes the experience more enjoyable. 😊💞