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πŸŒͺΒ deep thoughts πŸŒͺ

wouldn't it be cool if we all get the chance to be loved? i sound desperate and pathetic but there are nights that i wonder if god really put me out here on earth without a soulmate, if this is what i am really destined for, to be loved in all forms possible except by the one person who you supposed to share your soul with.Β 
people may think it's childish, people may not understand and refuses to understand how we actually feel, but some time in the past didn't we all became hopeless romantics at some point, never not grateful and contented with all the love i'm receiving but i'm pretty sure i'm allowed to look for that kind of love too, that kind of love that makes you feel happy and complete, that kind of love that drives you to be the best version of yourself, that kind of love that beats all the fairy tales you see in movies and read in books, because the real thing is far from all of those, that kind of love you all once had, but i guess i'm one of those fortunate people on earth that isn't blessed to experience that, yet.

