My review/reaction on Avengers: Infinity War movie
Honestly i'm not really a movie enthusiast but I love watching anything about superheroes...
This article may contain spoiler to those who haven't watch the movie so yeah please dont read this if you have not watch it.
Okay..At the beginning of the movie I thought Thor was about to die and I was wrong. Instead, Loki dies. When Loki thought he could kill Thanos just by stabbing him on the neck I was like that is just so stupid I mean it's pretty obvious that he has 0% chance of killing him. I still don't know how Thanos got the first infinity stone which is the stone of power if I'm not mistaken, but he got the stone of space which Loki gave to him.
So there are basically 6 stones Thanos needs in order to fulfill his desire of massacre half of the world population painlessly with only a single finger snap. P.s. Stones of: Space, Power, Reality, Soul, Time, and Mind.
Now let me tell you the scene that is the funniest that I LOLed in the theater. It's the scene where Bruce aka Hulk when he was maneuvering that hulk-like robot and fall or tripped over; the scene at Wakanda..but that's not what makes the scene actually funny to me..It is Okoye's face expression what burst me into laughing my ass off..Like it was just so funny...
Parts I hate the most or character that I'm angry at goes to Quill, one of the guardian of the galaxy. Thanos' gauntlet could've been snatched away if he didn't lose his temper and hurt Mantis' hands thus failing their whole plan. Other scene that I think is stupid is the scene also at Titan when Dr Strange just simply give the stone of time to Thanos just like that just because he wants to spare Starks' life?! Like what the heck! I mean Thanos won't be able to fix the broken stone of mind from Vision if he never got the stone of time..I forgot what's the name of Vision's girlfriend and am not sure what is her superpower is named but umm I mean she should've just destroy the stone of soul since the very beginning. It's annoying when only it's already too late she would do that, I know she love Vision so much and think there must've been another way which is why they brought him to Syuri(T'challa's sister), which turned out to be a complete fail smh.
And last but not least, I just want to express how depressed I am with the ending..Y'all know why..Like do I seriously need to wait for like a year for that!! F me.
[Although I must say I'm very curious with what Strange saw while travelling to the future]..
**tell me what you think too in the comment section below..
Edit: Oh yeah, I also want to know why can't they just cut Thanos' hand when they have the chance..and Groot cutting his hand for Thor's axe handle is so heroic to
Thanks for the review
OMG I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks fly posting about it. It was my favourite movie of all time! What was your favourite scene?
I dont have any particular scene that I could say my favourite but of course I loved it when there's a certain scene that makes me laugh...What about u?