
Get the app to say thanks

Get the Hinterland app to thank [name], and help them get paid

present Tip - enter the invite code "[code]" on signup and both of you and [name] will get some free coins

- Or get the app -


Believe me we can slow down time..
Believe me we can slow down time..

In this world we are so focused on the future, we forget that where we are is just as important of our journey than where we will be in 10 years time. What I have experienced being in the now is that I have the ability to create all what I want simply following the basic law of attraction. We all have the ability to manifest our desires, just by our beliefs. 

If you feel like life isnt going your way, its merely your own perception on life - change your mindset to match exactly what you want. Resist the thoughts on what you DO NOT want. Through positive thoughts you can have anything ✨ 

Recommended reads: Ask and It’s Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks / Abraham Hicks 
