To break the cycle
I feel as though all I can do is make it through today, but then I do it, and it just starts all over again
Every single one of us falls victom to the pattern, we wake up, survive, sleep, and repeat, until it's the weekend, only to have to do it all again the next week.
In an ideal world, every day would be fun, different, and exciting, but the majority of us don't have that in our lives. So what can we do to break the cycle? or not even break, the lossen a bit, so it doesn't take every inch of life out of you. The answers simple, do something every day (or at least every week) that you will remember for the next year (or more). Now I'm not saying that you have to do something absolutely insane, like jump out of plains, or punch people in the face, it could just be something small like starting a project, doing a drawing, making new friends, go to a random social event. This way yesterday won't just be yesterday, it will be the day you did that you did that thing, that may seem small, but can overall lead to a happier life :)
Making memories is good advice.