J.N.R Dutton Nov 3, 2019 in Truth Truth Is Not Subjective In recent years I have heard many people talk about "their" truth. Truth however is not subjective, meaning it's not a matter of individual preference or individual belief. Something is either true, or it is false,period. To give an example (not that I should have to): If someone came to me and claimed (and even fervently believed) the sky was green, that would not make it so. My son could fervently believe his stuffed animals can talk, that wouldn't make it true either. For the record, he doesn't, I'm just using another example.
J.N.R Dutton Nov 3, 2019 in Truth Giving Correction Is Not Hate A lot of people these days have bought a lie. They've bought into the idea that anyone who corrects them when they're wrong is committing hate speech or otherwise "bashing" them. I have a son, and if he does something wrong, I am quick to correct him. I actually do that because I love him & care about his well-being, I don't hate him at all. If someone is doing something detrimental to either themselves or others, "tolerating" it is not loving. Calling them out on it and holding them accountable and showing them the error of their ways is loving.