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in Health

A little bit about me 

Hey there! My name is Cody Mcnicol, I am a 19 year old Mental health student, living in Melbourne, Australia. I am incredibly passionate about mental health and want to use this blog as a platform to not only help remove the stigma of people suffering from mental illness, but also to express myself in a healthy and productive way, (something I haven't always been the best at). I want to be raw and real with you guys; people need to know that they are not alone in this battle- there is always hope and there is always help available (I've only come to realise in the last few years). You are never alone and there is always someone you can reach out too, even when you don't want to reach out...

Bullying~ a memoir

Bullying is a major issues within schools and schools need to do more to help prevent it.  I was six years old when I realised that when you put the letter t and h together it made a th sound. It was the age where I was taught that stealing is not okay. It was the age where I was taught that if I was not nice to those around me I would not get dessert. And I loved dessert. That the words that left my mouth although were stuttered, were just as important as my sisters as my mother's as my brothers.  Most of us have been lucky enough to be brought up in homes where we have been told from a young age that we are special- that our flaws do not define us and that we can be whomever we...