Felix Acebedo Dec 26, 2018 in Nature Cacti and Succulents My SO just bought three new plants and I've been taking care of them a week now. I have grown attached and I am not giving them back. Taco is the eldest, and clearly my favorite. She helps me do household chores. She a good plant. 9/10 Mia is a prickly bitch. She is trash. She lives off of gossip and starbucks. 6.5/10 she a white girl. Fish is the most adorkable plant there is. She's a bumbling that has a shit sense of humor. 8/10 would not go swimming with her. These plants are now my daughters. My SO can go find herself some new plants.
V May 17, 2018 in Art fragile is strong fragile is not broken. fragile is self loving. fragile is being strong. fragile is selfish. fragile is loving more. fragile is giving more. fragile is knowing what you want. fragile is the ability to say no. fragile is wanting better. fragile is being kinder. fragile is brave. fragile is within all of us.
Raven Waters Apr 24, 2018 in Writing Let My Love Be Like A Cactus "My love will exist no matter how hard the odds will be. You will never need to feel guilty for my love will be a cactus living upon the desert. It will strive in order for it to exist; my love will stay even if you know it or not. For when you love, nothing is expected."