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Friend when needed.

You were there when they need you - your prayer, your advice, your comfort, your help.  Now that they’re okay, they no longer need my help. They no longer need my presence. So there’s no more reason for them to connect with me.  These people who has been dependent to me when they are struggling, now, I see them in a together with wonderful bonds, and have their own ways to connect themselves together. They have their lives now. Sadly, I wasn’t included. 😭 I just wish that someday, I’ll find a friend who will be there not because there’s help I can offer but because someone who has pure intention to be my friend. Someone whose loyalty matches with the loyalty I...

in Wellness
She Who Didn’t Know

She Who Didn’t Know

She's living in darkness.She's sad, broken, rejected, ignored, hurt. Everyday, with tears in her eyes, she looks for hope. She wants a new beginning. Until she saw a golden light. But she tries to fight it, crush it, resist it, refuse it because she thinks it's an adversary. She thinks it came to condemn. What she didn't know, the light came to rescue. It's the hope she's been looking for. It's the new beginning she desperately needs. It didn't rise to reveal her darkness. It came to remove the darkness in her so she could see her true beauty and worth.

in Writing

Hurting me. You’re Hurting me and you don’t even notice it. I am selfish. I cannot notice my reactions. I am explosive and I am toxic. You made me like this. Your love, your treatment made me addicted to you. You love me so much yet you hate me as much. You’re selfish and manipulative. Innocence made me ignorant to your game. That lovely innocence I no longer have. I don’t blame you. I blame my innocence. That ignorance to life. I blame being young and naive. Traumatized to the departure. I wasn’t ready. I was forced to leave. You Wanted to leave. You’re a murder of innocence.

I'm letting you in.

Drama is only entertaining when your not in it, but when you are it's a whole different story. This last couple weeks have been quite the journey. It all started when my friend thought a guy sent her nudes around, turns out it wasn't even her in the picture. Apparently they hated each other, but this leads to the next dram. Well you see me and this guy who " sent her pic around" had a kind of close freindship, but ig texting like every night  means nothing , becouse he started dating the girl that send him nudes. But I thought they hated each other. I just don't get it. Then he tried texting me but I just couldn't seem  like everything was ok so I said " I just can't be bothered

in Movies
My 5 Most Favorite Crime Movies (So Far)

My 5 Most Favorite Crime Movies (So Far)

Besides writing and reading, one of my most favorite activity is watching films. Crime movies hold a special place in my heart, especially if it is mixed with drama, action, or comedy. Without further ado, here’s my five most favorite movies in my 17 years of living! 1. The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) This will sound very subjective because I LOVE Wes Anderson, but I do think the way he directs his movies is brilliant. I also like his storytelling style. The Grand Budapest Hotel is, in my opinion, one of his best work. It’s not heavy—you don’t have to think hard to get the film—and it’s not “cheap”. It’s captivating in its own way. Sure, its plot is not the best and...

in Television
anime & friends

anime & friends

I'm new to watching anime. I've heard about numerous animes courtesy of my older cousin, Pat, but I didn't bother watching any of them because it wasn't really something I thought I would enjoy at that age. But now that I'm older and more open-minded and willing to discover new stuff, I thought I'd try it. Being somewhat like a freshman to anime and the japanese terms and all that, it was slightly hard finding a good anime to start with.  For one, I don't know what 'slice of life' meant as a genre. Is it like a metaphor, just like how "piece of cake" is or..? What. And also, "otaku", "tsundere", and "harem". So, yeah. I had to pretty much google stuff I found that I don't know or was...