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in Writing
I AM...

I AM...

I’m all the wounds, the scars, the journey and the destination it took me to love you. I can only hope that you could hear my heart beating, could only hope that you could pay attention; I could only hope that I could feel your heart against my touch. I could only hope that your heart is for my eyes only, the scars you wish to hide, the demons you try to chase away, the walls you try to build… I could only hope that you will see me, for I will always choose to come undone in front of you. I could only hope that when loneliness try to drown your light away, I will be there wiping...

in Writing


I have never had one dream, I’ve had billions. When I was very small, about four or five years old, my dream was to be an astronaut. I would pretend I was flying through space on a rocket ship and it would make me feel over the moon, literally. One day at kindergarten, we all came to school and sat in a circle. The teacher asked us to go around the circle and tell the class what we wanted to be when we grew up. I was incredibly excited to tell the class my great dream. When it came to my turn, and I told the class that I wanted to be a famous astronaut, they started scoffing and laughing. “Girls can’t be astronauts!” one of the little boys yelled. I felt heartbroken. I ran...