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in Truth

Truth Is Not Subjective

In recent years I have heard many people talk about "their" truth. Truth however is not subjective, meaning it's not a matter of individual preference or individual belief. Something is either true, or it is false,period. To give an example (not that I should have to): If someone came to me and claimed (and even fervently believed) the sky was green, that would not make it so. My son could fervently believe his stuffed animals can talk, that wouldn't make it true either. For the record, he doesn't, I'm just using another example.

in Beauty
Interesting facts about makeup 

Interesting facts about makeup 

Are you mad about makeup? Your favourite product or beauty trends might have an interesting history.  The founder of Maybelline, Tom Lyle Williams, named his brand after his sister Mabel, who used to make her lashes look thicker and darker by using a mixture of Vaseline and coal dust. The ancient Egyptians created the first makeup out of copper and lead ore. The first nail polish was invented in China in 3000 BC.  Thank goodness the formula has been adapted over the centuries, because this first nail polish consisted of beeswax, gum, egg whites and coloured powder. Some makeup products in the 1930s contained radioactive material. The brand Tho-Radia made a range of perfume, face...

What is mental health 

Don’t forget to thank this post if you liked it. It’s an expression we use every day, so it might surprise you that the term ‘mental health’ is frequently misunderstood. ‘Mental health’ is often used as a substitute for mental health conditions – such as depression, anxiety conditions, schizophrenia, and others. According to the World Health Organization, however, mental health is “a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” So rather than being about ‘what’s the problem?’ it’s...

10 amazing facts about the ocean 

10 amazing facts about the ocean 

Don’t forget to thank this post if you like it  1. Our oceans cover more than 70 per cent of the Earth’s surface. With so much of the Earth’s surface taken up by ocean, it’s evident how vital these marine environments are to the planet, and how much there still is to be explored. 2. The majority of life on Earth is aquatic. As so much of the Earth’s surface is underwater, it comes as no surprise that marine species outnumber those on land. But, it’s an incredible 94 per cent of the Earth’s living species that exist within the oceans. 3. Less than five per cent of the planet’s oceans have been explored. According to the Ocean Service, man has explored less than five per...

in Space

Growing Knowledge in Space

Please thank this post if you like it: Plants are critical in supporting life on Earth, and with help from an experiment that flew onboard space shuttle Discovery's STS-131 mission, they also could transform living in space.  NASA's Kennedy Space Center partnered with the University of Florida, Miami University in Ohio and Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation to perform three different experiments in microgravity. The studies concentrated on the effects microgravity has on plant cell walls, root growth patterns and gene regulation within the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Each of the studies has future applications on Earth and in space exploration.  "Any research in plant biology helps NASA...

40 amazing facts about the human body!

Your body is a wonderland. A weird, miraculous, disgusting, wonderland. Learn all about it with these interesting human body facts. Ever wondered how many times a minute a baby blinks? Or why babies have more bones than adults? Or how big your brain is without all those wrinkles? Or how long your intestines would be if you stretched them out? Well, now you can find all of these things out from the comfort of your own home, while keeping all of your internal organs safely internal. 1. The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood supply - it gets its oxygen directly from the air. (The human body contains enough fat to make 7 bars of soap) 2. The human body contains enough fat to...