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Are You Wanting to be a Famous Musician?

Are You Wanting to be a Famous Musician?

Ever wanted to be a big title in the music industry. It is almost every child’s dream to be a famous singer, right? Well, here below is a link to one of my best friend’s compositions. He has put countless hours into composing very enjoyable music. He has not gained any publicity yet, but we can change this. He composes music with a scoring program, the pieces look and sound amazing! Please check him out!👍 Be sure to comment what you think about the music.😁👍

in Writing


She looked across the room, trying to find that one person she’s supposed to hate but can’t. It was a new year, she should forgive him for what he’d done and deep down she probably already did. But why is it that he’s acting like she’s the one at fault? If he cared shouldn’t he have tried to make amends by now? What did she do wrong? He was the one at fault, not her. But why is he making her feel that she was? It’s pathetic but she’s still hanging on to that little string of hope that maybe one day they could be friends again, to trust each other again. It probably wont be tomorrow or the next day but maybe someday they could work things out. It may not be hard for him to...