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Self surveillance in a Panoptic society 

Self surveillance in a Panoptic society 

If you were unfortunate enough to have been incarcerated in England at the end of the 18th Century, you may have found yourself inside a ghoulish structure called the Panopticon.  This unique architectural structure was the brainchild of philosopher named Jeremy Bentham who, in 1791, theorised this glass-roofed, circular structure featuring prison cells facing inwards along its external wall, which faced a central guard tower. This ingenious structure allowed guards, stationed within the rotund tower, to keep all inmates in the surrounding cells operating under the assumption that they were under constant surveillance. Its ingenuity lay in the fact that the...

in Writing

My Views On: Education 💫

In my opinion going to school and developing a good education is a big step towards a good future. I view education as something that can open many doors for you in the future and can give you advantages aswell. I see school as a small sacrifice of time that could benefit you in the long run. But don’t get me wrong I do find school differcult at times and very stressful but I strongly believe that dropping out is definitely not a option for me. When I think of dropping out I just think of all the disadvantages I would be giving myself, of course this is only my personal belief and may not actually apply to others. School may be hard and annoying at times but I’d never stop going. My...