Keegantitan Feb 19, 2020 in Lifestyle Let’s talk about something that is often hidden away. We have all felt depressed at some point or another. I’m sure a lot of us have thought negatively about ourselves. People are to afraid to talk about suicide. Especially Youth suicide. I’m making this for anyone who feels alone right now and doesn’t know what to do. If this is you. Message me. I want to try and help. Xx
Donna Nov 25, 2019 Feelings Have you ever felt sad but you dont know the exact reason why? I need someone to talk :(
M. J. Parker Aug 5, 2018 in Writing The Road Trip — Your mind is a car. But you're not the only one who can drive. Sometimes it seems, that you're only along for the ride. When you're at the wheel. The passengers: Love, joy and cheer; hold all of the maps Telling you speeds to go. And where. But despite them all there, you're still not in control of the gear. For in the back sits sorrow, loneliness.. and fear. They scream and yell: "You've now passed contempt!! YOU IDIOT!! You know you're only comfortable there" Distress, in an attempt to fix the mess, flicks to reverse and begins to steer. Now moving backwards so fast even love is shedding a tear. But knowing failure is near, in one...
Emma Baillie Apr 22, 2018 in Advice 23 // April // 2018 The word 'happy' would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. Carl Jung