Neeks Oct 30, 2018 in Wellness So lately I’ve been depressed 😪 , getting out of the cycle 💪🏼💪🏼 So over the past few months I haven’t been as bright, energetic or as happy as usual. I was told I was “clinically depressed” by multiple doctors and each one recommend that I take anti-depressants, through out my life I have met a bunch of different people who take these anti-depressants and the way that these drugs effected them and how coming off the drugs effected them. My mum was taking then and one day we couldn’t afford to get them and she legit lost the plot and I’ve never seen her so spaced out and her mood swings were out of this world (she is okay now tho). So with all the doctor/councillors and therapy sessions I’ve decided that I’m against taking them so...