Georgia Collins Nov 25, 2018 in Wellness 🌼 | MY TOP 5 CRYSTALS FOR SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT | 🌼 For centuries crystals have been used to protect, inspire and heal us. Crystals also bring power into your meditation and yoga. Here are my top five crystals that can help calm your mind, increase your sense of self-worth and make you feel more energised. 1. Carnelian: When difficult energies are dragging you down, carnelian can be an excellent source of support. The stone comes in deep reds, oranges and browns with specks and or stripes from iron impurities. It can be helpful in healing sexual difficulties, lower back issues and depression. Perfect for stressful situations, carnelian boosts courage and self confidence. Stimulating your root chakra helping circulate energy to your...
Georgia Collins Nov 18, 2018 in Wellness 🌼| SPIRITUAL SELF ESTEEM |🌼 In today’s society self love is a necessity. Growing up we have learned to feel ashamed about liking ourselves hindering us to speak to anyone outloud about your own goodness. As any being I have had my own battles with self love. I have struggled with comparing myself to others and being unhappy with who I am due to the voices of others. I was inspired by an old friend of mine to write this article expressing the steps we have encouraged each other to let our spirits soar and enrich our lives with love towards ourselves and others. Self love often gets confused with narcissism. Loving yourself doesn’t mean that your are self obsorbed or only thinking for yourself. Self love is...