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in Business

Becoming a Young Entrepreneur

Hey fellow Hinderland Citizens, I'm currently 16 and I have some money. I'm thinking of setting up an online business in hopes of earning more money. I'm currently a college student and I work part-time jobs to survive. I don't get allowances either and college is expensive.  If you're an entrepreneur, could you please give me some tips on how to start a small business? Also, where do you find cheap but great quality suppliers? Lastly, what websites are recommended to use to sell the products? I'm currently thinking of using Instagram as platform. If you're wondering what type of business I'm planning to set up, it's a small online shop that sells beauty products. 

in Wellness
She Who Didn’t Know

She Who Didn’t Know

She's living in darkness.She's sad, broken, rejected, ignored, hurt. Everyday, with tears in her eyes, she looks for hope. She wants a new beginning. Until she saw a golden light. But she tries to fight it, crush it, resist it, refuse it because she thinks it's an adversary. She thinks it came to condemn. What she didn't know, the light came to rescue. It's the hope she's been looking for. It's the new beginning she desperately needs. It didn't rise to reveal her darkness. It came to remove the darkness in her so she could see her true beauty and worth.

in Beauty

How to Grow Hair Faster and Longer

A luscious mane of hair is everybody’s dream. However, achieving this dream that is difficult. Long hair has long been a symbol of beauty and sensuality in many cultures. The road to those lovely flowing locks is long, but you can get there with a little help. Over time, knowledge regarding hair growth has increased. But due to contemporary diets and lifestyles, growing long hair may have been more difficult. The stressful lives that we lead can affect the health of most people’s hair. We may even end up getting stuck in a vicious cycle of stress-induced hair loss. While there is a whole industry thriving on the promises of lovely hair, commercial products often don’t do much to...

in Beauty
25 little known facts about makeup

25 little known facts about makeup

Don’t forget to thank this post if you like it Most girls I know wear makeup of some sort on a regular basis. Even if you’re “low maintenance,” you probably own more than a few products. Of course, we’re lucky we live in this modern era, because women of the past sure had a different experience with their cosmetics. Please be seated for a little history lesson, and learn just how significant makeup really is. 1. The patent for nail polish dates back to 1919. It was light pink. 2. Roman women used belladonna drops to make their pupils look larger and sexier. Of course, belladonna is a poison so this practice didn’t last too long. 3. The Aztecs used beetles to make red...

in Beauty
My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine

When it comes to skincare, routines vary from person to person. They can be minimal or extreme, depending on your type of skin, environment, age, and budget. For most teens, the best tip I can recommend would be keep it mild and simple. I use a lot of products and it changes most of the time, as seasons change, my skin changes and adjusts as well. Some products may work on you, but some may not. So, it's still best for you guys to consult a professional first, prior slathering your face with any facial washes or whatnot. All the products listed here are store-bought. I will be sharing with you guys on a different blog how I make my own face masks when I'm on a budget. I’m very...