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Cooking The Veganomicon..

Cooking The Veganomicon..

I remember the exact moment I decided to change my lifestyle and go vegan. I was watching the documentary Earthlings, although after half an hour in I could barely see the screen through my tears. It almost gave me a panic attack, I got so depressed and wrecked with guilt that overnight I became strictly vegan. This was a few days before New Years 2019. Since then I have felt amazing, I should mention, that I struggle with multiple mental health disorders and polycystic ovary syndrome so feeling great is a win for me. I ordered a vegan cookbook called Veganomicon and was so inspired by reading it, I wanted to cook everything in it and that’s exactly what I’m doing! Also...

in Fitness
Witness the Fitness

Witness the Fitness

I've always been a gym bunny, but I've noticed after telling my friends and family that I've gone vegan they're all like "but how will you keep up at the gym?" "where will you get your protein from?" "you won't have the energy to pump iron" "you'll lose those muscles you've worked so hard for". BORING!  For starters I show them this:  WAY more colourful than a slab of carcinogenic dead animal right?  THEN I show them this article: Can't argue with that huh? 😉 

Everyone's Going Vegan

The great thing about making the decision to go vegan in this day and age is that there an abundance of people in the same boat. The world is waking up to that fact you can survive without consuming animal products.  Better still, there's a whole bunch of celebrities who are vegan. Hopefully they can inspire more people to make the transition.  Check them all out! Don't tell me they look ill and like they aren't getting enough protein. 

in Food

How hard can it be to eat vegan breakfast?

So, I decided to go vegan two months ago. It wasn't such a hard decision as I'd been vegetarian for around two years prior to that. I've tried it before, but failed when it came to cheese. WHY IS CHEESE SO DAMN GOOD? Anyway, this time I decided to give it a real go. I've watched too many videos that show what REALLY goes on in diary farms.  I've developed quite the repitoire of lunches and evening meals. I'll post some of those recipes for you real soon. But last Saturday, my best friend Samantha wanted to do a brunch for her birthday. Now, whenever I eat out for brunch I'll have halloumi in place of the meat. But what's a vegan to do? Well, surprisingly, there are actually SO many...