Deela Apr 30, 2019 in Malaysia Hinterlander🇲🇾 Promise Settled ✅ I made a post before about having a lot of coins and wanted to made a giveaway..there were two person who liked it so I give the coins away to them by thanks the latest post been I hope both of them are happy with it. 🥰
Deela Apr 22, 2019 in News GIVEAWAY !! It’s been a while since my last time here. I just notice that I had a lot of coins so I was thinking why not make a giveaway kind of event. I don’t really know how to do it properly so I think I just do it my way. I will give 50 coins to the first and second person who LIKE and THANK this post. 🥰🥰
Deela Mar 16, 2019 in Finance MAKE MONEY !! Guys!! U should check this out..Super awesome app 🤩🤩 U can make money when call others, playing games, watching video, fill out survey and A LOT MORE!! U will like this app 🥰 Beside, U can donate the money to any organisation that U want 😎 Check It Out Guys 👇🏻👇🏻 Hi! Please join me on WowApp. Visit my personal page at and see what it is all about. Thank you.
Deela Feb 17, 2019 in Advice SINGLE IS AWESOME Being single tends to be seen as a bad thing, but millennials and Gen-Zers are flipping the script. Research shows that the number of people ages 20 to 34 who live with a partner is steadily dropping Read this for more 👇🏻👇🏻
Deela Feb 11, 2019 in Books Webcomics Is The Best App for comics lover 😍 Check this out guys..👇🏻👇🏻 Have you ever used WebComics to read comics for free? I think it's interesting! Tap and get Coins after entering my invite code: ^K6HHTX^. You can also copy this text by long-press.
Deela Jan 30, 2019 in Fitness BREAKFAST IMPORTANT !! Before, I had always skipped my breakfast and I also never been exposed on taking breakfast by my family since I was a kid. I think it is ok since I can just grab lunch and it was a good move to lost my weight..but then, I always feel weak and not energetic everday. I never thought that skipping breakfast are the reason. Later, I started to working at this company. I go to work on 7:30 usually. All of the workers are mostly there since work start at 8:00. To be honest, they bring breakfast everday and eating it together at the pantry. It seem fun to me and I started to join them later. It helps me getting close with the workers. I started to eat breakfast everday because of them...