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          How many shooting stars should I wish for you to become mine? If I long to make you feel my infinity, how long does forever make?

          How many nights do it take for me to wait? For me to place your hands upon this heartbeat solely yours?

           The exquisite break of my heart every time I realize how we are infinitely worlds apart. How my earth revolves on a different axis against your world, my time running so painfully slow while yours flow in a rhythm I could never dance into. I can only watch you from afar, painstakingly accepting the bittersweet reality that I was not made to be yours.

          I am falling apart, in every bit of pieces my soul could get. My heart breaking into pieces in every bit of shards it could make. 

        You will never remember nor will you know that my heart beats only for you. I am half the woman I know I was, I am half the woman who hopes and yearns to become yours when worlds are between us. Distance a millennium could never even walk. I tried so hard to get a grip hold of my own sanity but my sanity was you.

         You will never hear my song of this tragic love, for worlds are between us while your back is in front of me.

          My love, you will never hear this song my heart will forever sing for  you never know such love exists.

        With tears silently running down my face, I could only smile knowing you will have the love I know you deserve. For I only want nothing but the best for you for as long as you live.

         Even if that happiness is never and will be without me.
