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in Beauty
My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine

When it comes to skincare, routines vary from person to person. They can be minimal or extreme, depending on your type of skin, environment, age, and budget. For most teens, the best tip I can recommend would be keep it mild and simple. I use a lot of products and it changes most of the time, as seasons change, my skin changes and adjusts as well. Some products may work on you, but some may not. So, it's still best for you guys to consult a professional first, prior slathering your face with any facial washes or whatnot. All the products listed here are store-bought. I will be sharing with you guys on a different blog how I make my own face masks when I'm on a budget. I’m very...

in Advice
Want to know a secret? Silence is powerful.

Want to know a secret? Silence is powerful.

Reading the book "Tame your tongue" added great knowledge and wisdom into my life. The book teaches us how to use the right words in the right season. One thing that triggers our tongue is our EMOTIONS. And this is common to, us, women. We grew in a place where women is said to be really emotional, nagger and demanding of a lot of things and in the end, if we do these, we are the ones who suffer most. As time pass by, we may seem to think that women are getting wiser and wiser but in the eyes of men, we are getting weaker and weaker and that is also the reason why a lot of men doesn't go into a relationship nowadays and it is easy for them to let go even if there is a child or children...

SEX: Why does it sell?

Sex has been an integeral part of forwarding the continuation of species throughout time, but how has stimulating the idea of mating become a selling point? Within the animal kingdom, males are predominantly the more decorated, as opposed to females. However, when it comes to humans, although men and women are sexualised, women tend to be heavily sexualised and marketed towards. This is something that has always sparked my interest. Is sex’s marketing use simply a construct we as humans have placed upon society, or are we naturally seeking to see things that are more sexual as more engaging?