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in Wellness

Staying Positive! 3 Tips!

Hello Hello! It's Peach again and today's post is gonna be a short one! I'm gonna touch on 3 tips to easily stay positive! 1. Identify Positives  It's easy to identify the negatives in a situation, so you need to change your mindset and form the habit of always looking on the bright side! 2. Live in a Positive Environment. This means cutting negativity out of your life, cutting off the people who bring you down and cutting out your negative mindset and thoughts. Negative sources could even be TV, Magazines, or the internet. Anything that brings you down- throw it out! 3. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. Don't overreact or act brashly, and don't lose your perspective! If you...

in Wellness

3 Easy Everyday Tips for a Healthy Body and Mind! 

Hi everyone! Peachy's back for another quick post! Today I'm gonna share 3 little tips and habits that you can easily adopt into your daily routine for a healthy body and mind!  1. Start each morning with a glass of water. A big glass of water in the morning helps kick start your metabolism and prevents your body from storing fat, good for people who are watching their weight! Water also keeps you hydrated and flushes out unhealthy toxins in your body, which can help with weight loss, clear skin and a glowing complexion!  2. Pick up meditation. Meditation is great for getting in touch with yourself and finding some calm in your hectic everyday life! Meditation may seem...